Still the feeling was there and it reminded me of an old 50s or 60s song with the lyrics “What’s it all about, Alfie?” Only this time it was “What’s it all about, Tommy?” So, today’s blog will be to share a little of Vagabond Marlatt’s philosophy on life. Maybe you will identify with some of it – or maybe it will help you understand this vagabond a little more.
Back in the 1940s the Gypsies foretold my future. There was a carnival in town and the closest un-controlled vacant lot for the workers was in the field at the end of our block, which was just outside of the city limits. The Gypsies, with all of their colorful horse drawn wagons and clothes, set up a community in the field. Little Tommy went down and visited them and experienced a people with an amazing life style. They were happy, song filling their lives. They enjoyed every moment and didn’t seem to care that they didn’t have the luxury that surrounded them in my neighborhood. They told of all the places they had been and things they had seen and filled me with the desire to become one of them. Many years later in 1995 I joined them as a retired vagabond on the road.
Since I didn’t retire with a fortune and I am now on a fixed (1995) income, I reflected on my career as an engineer and moved into my mobile “Command Module and Adventure Space Station” evolving to my present configuration, which satisfies all of my needs.
Simple Things
by Bob Reidenbach, OGP - 31 July 1974
The Lord calls us gently to live and believe In the glory of simple things, like a child glad and free;
To treasure each moment and to hope, come what may,
Like the song of tomorrow with the words of today.
There’s nothing as simple as God,
And nothing more refreshing to the souls of mankind;
Wash me clean, make me new.
The Lord calls us gently to share bread and wine, To give ourselves freely, to love in our time; To reach out and touch someone, to tell them that we care.
Love is what we need to give and life is what we share. (Refrain)
The Lord calls us gently to rise with a hopeful heart,
To put away our doubts and fears, to be light where there’s dark,
To answer the needs of all, to share ourselves as friends,
For when we give ourselves in truth we find ourselves again. (Refrain)
The Lord calls us gently to live life anew,
To see him in simple things, to praise him in all we do,
To know that this life we live is a sign of his peace.
People, there’s a time for change; people, a time for peace. (Refrain)
God had an image of what he wanted us to be and I feel that this song sums up that image.
My answer to adversity is: Repent (change your ways). For example here are some of my answers to my life’s problems: Health – slowing down and doing what is reasonable. Environment – reduce problems to a manageable size. Boredom – Live in/for others not yourself.
I live a life of Materialistic Minimalism – keeping only those things which I need to maintain the ASS and live a comfortable life on the road. I continue to enjoy my family and my friends (many that I haven’t met yet) along the way. When next we meet I hope you will remember these words and understand me better.
I'm still near Cathy's house - getting a lot of "Honey dos" done, and getting ready for our western trip next month. This weekend we will be in Arlington at our son Jim's to celebrate Victoria's graduation.