A month after sticking it, I have recovered my norml(?) appearance. I no longer need the antibiotic ointment and I am down to just a little redness in the eye.

There is a little lump on the side of the eye, but I haven't reached the doctor's predicted 6 weeks mark yet. so that will probably be gone right on schedule.

I went to Kristi's house to visit with Cathy, but her plane was delayed. It was a good thing though. I turned the TV on to a digital channel for the first time since I left Lake Texana. It was fine for a few minutes - then it went to black and white. Evidently my old Magnavox TV's tuner wasn't able to take the strain of dealing with digital. So I went to WalMart and got me a new, larger (19"), and much better quality picture TV.
Cathy came in the next day and we had a good visit with much game playing, shopping and a wonderful lunch at Red Lobster. I think the GGKids wore her out though. I left before she did and got back to my host job at site 120 in Lake Texana State Park.

Now that my spacecraft and command module are back in place, I really appreciate the park slogan, "A Better Place To Be - Texas State Parks".

That's my new sign so that geocachers can come and find my "Track the Vagabond" Travel Bug. The wood pile is one of my assignments. I keep a couple of wagons filled up (when there's not a fire ban) and the campers take the wood to their campsites. Let me show you the rest of my little retreat in the woods.

That's my new TV antenna, that I found to be really necessary when you live in the boondocks.

That's my mule, parked under my covered table area and, in the center, you can see my shower house and bathroom.

Accross the road is my view - looking out of the cove toward the day use side of the park and on to the bridge that leads to Ganado, where I have found one of the best Catholic churches that I have ever been to. Even though this is a very small town, they are blessed with a very progressive priest and a very good music group. They have guitar, keyboard, drums, and some of the best singers that I have ever heard who lead us in good contemporary worship.
I really do enjoy it here!