I will never be able to forget Holy Week 2009. Eloise Williams, a dear friend of mine completed her lenten journey this year. At about the same time that our Lord died on Good Friday, Eloise breathed her last on this earth. In prayer on Easter I realized her timing - now she is a resurected saint waiting for me to join her. I'll bet she greets me with some blueberry muffins, just like she did so often at their ranch in Ricardo. Here is the last picture that I have of her - taken at Christmas time. She is to the right side of the lamp. We will all miss her very much.
My neck is getting better - probably because I bought a table and installed it in the back of my van to serve as a desk. I replaced my refrigerator with a 2 drawer file - I usually eat out anyway when I travel with only the truck. I like my new office!

I went to Bay St Louis MS to take care of the American Red Cross Sysco mobile kitchen during a training event. There were a few little problems, including a tornado and torrential deluge coming on the day of the cooking and cleanup of the kitchen. But we got it all dried up and sent back to Dallas. The event was held at a casino and I enjoyed the luncheons all week and a luau one evening. It was a combined institute for Louisiana and Mississippi and hopefully the start of much more cooperation between the two states during the "season" which is almost upon us as I type.
Back at Lake Texana, on my host job, the weather has been great for the visitors - but not for the lake! The water level is down more than 8 feet now and the piers are on dry land. Here is a picture of the boat ramp taken from a dry spot - out in the cove.

The alligators have been forced out of the coves and are just lying around on the new sandy beaches. Notice the 14x18 Rubbermaid behind them, in front of a boulder - to get an idea of their size. I retrieved the container (flotsam or jetsam) and cleaned it up to use in the truck.

Here is a puddle that used to be a cove between the two camping areas in the park. There is still an 8 foot alligator that comes back every night, hoping that he will find his cove has returned!

This coming weekend I will be going to Kingsville for Eloise's memorial service. The park will be completely filled by a church group that rents the whole park, so I probably won't be missed. The group provides their own security and cleanup and other services.