Ouch! I got back in the van and started looking for an opthomologist, but it was Saturday so I ended up in the hospital emergency ward. The doctors there found a specialist and he checked me out and wrote a prescription for Tobradex which is all he said I would need - and about 6 weeks to recover. My eyesight was not affected and I am recovering fine. I visited the Kellers while in Mission and spent the rest of the week around the pool and hot tub, since my eye was too swollen to want to drive. Then I returned to Kingsville and the Williams' ranch where I helped Frank and Eloise get their TV converter box installed and the antenna upgraded. I also took on the task of replacing a burgler alarm, which had gone bad after about 26 years of service. There doesn't seem to be a replacement - so I am attempting to build one with Radio Shack parts.
The vacation over, I went to Houston to visit with Cathy at our granddaughter Kristi's place. While there, my TV went berserk and had a retrograde to black and white on the new digital signals. I ended up buying a new flatscreen 19" TV and installing it in the trailer. Boy, is it ever clear!
The eye is almost totally healed after only 3 1/2 weeks. I consider myself blessed that it wasn't worse.
Cathy's flight was cancelled due to the ice storms - I hope she gets here tomorrow. I will be heading back to Lake Texana State Park for 3 months as Host during February-April.
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