Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another day - another dollar - spent, that is!

When I was at the gypsy journal rally last week I renewed my distributorship for Dri Wash waterless car wash. I was a distributor back in the mid-90s and really liked the product, but it was hard to deal with the company for shipments due to my lifestyle. Well, they have upgraded their systems and in today’s world with computers and UPS Stores that problem seems to have been solved. Today I checked on an order that I put in online and there was good news and bad news. The good news was that the order had been processed and shipped – very promptly. The bad news is that the computer operator on my end (who me?) goofed up and the order was shipped to Livingston TX instead of Pearce AZ!
After a brief training session with a very friendly service rep I submitted another order to be sent to Pearce. Later in the day I got a call saying that she had intercepted the shipment and that it will come in fact to Arizona. Now I have twice as much to sell!

Arda and Petra were headed to the Family Dollar store and I tagged along for 2.5 miles. Not only does she bike fast – she walks fast. Dave says walking with her is like being on a forced march. I think maybe I have gone into training – aerobic. Oh well it is good for my heart and I probably need it.

When we came back I found that my spare tire on the trailer was flat. It is the third tire to have a valve rot out on a trailer that only has three tires. Tomorrow I am going to get metal valves in all three and hopefully that will fix them for good. Viewing was intermittent for the lunar eclipse tonight but I did get a few good views. However, I learned that my little digital camera won’t do low light photos – so I can’t share what I saw. Anyway we seem to have proved again that the moon goes around the earth while the earth goes around the sun. And once in a while the lights go out and I think now is the time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what do you mean there is no comment.... Here it is! I don't know what happend to the other one, I really did send it. I said I read your blog and it looks really good...