Saturday, April 19, 2008

To blog or not to blog – that is the question.

My life has not been too exiting lately. It wouldn’t inspire many of you. Yet I am doing just exactly what I want to do – and enjoying it. I think that it is best if I reduce my blog inputs to once a week unless there is something very urgent to write. Therefore this is notice that you will only have to check once a week to know what I am up to. I will probably publish on Friday or Saturday, since those are the days that I usually catch up on thing like laundry, shopping, and ignored mail.

My traveling has come to a point where I had many things to take care of that were just too inconvenient while moving every day. It came to a head when I came across a Schwinn Sidewinder bicycle at WalMart that was marked down 35%. I have been looking for some way to cut down on the geocaching miles on the van (definitely not the travel miles) and so I made the plunge. The $52+ dollars that I saved pretty well covered the incidentals that you need, like a water bottle, helmet, lock, tool set, cargo bag and speedometer. I have spent the last few days adjusting and outfitting the bike, and yesterday I actually did some riding. I did a good thing! My doctor will be happy with the extra exercise that I am getting.

I am currently at Rainbow Plantation Escapee Park in Summerdale Alabama. This park has a mixture of travelers, snowbirds, leaseholders, and some people that live in funny structures made of sticks and bricks. These last folks spend all their time either inside or fixing up their property. Oh well, that’s their choice!

I have geocached the area on my way to church and back – and I have downloaded the Florida caches – so I guess it’s time to move on.

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